
H 기업회원전용메뉴 일반채용공고등록


[일반채용] 대화은행(UOB) - IT Officer 채용 (~채용 시 마감)
  • 작성자
  • 작성일자
  • 조회106

대화은행(UOB) https://www.uobgroup.com/uobgroup/index.page

주소: 서울 중구 세종대로 136, 서울파이낸스센터 (광화문역/5호선 부근)


[근무회사 및 모집부문]- 근무회사: 대화은행(UOB)

- Position: IT 전산팀 Officer



- Procurement - Recurring invoice process, voucher creation - Weekly

- Physical operation (Data center operation for local vendor and cabling, visual check for group support – Daily / Desktop moving, IT equipment installation per end user request – Monthly / Regular Rack diagram, Circuit information update – Monthly)

- L1 end user support (Hardware (PC, Laptop) and Software (Windows, MS office, Application) support and troubleshooting – Daily / Group upgrade deployment support and troubleshooting – Weekly)

- Desktop, laptop OS build up with regular global OS image update for UOB machines - Daily

- Standalone OS build up and patch management for standalone machines not in UOB network - Weekly

- Printer, Telephony maintenance (Toner replacement for shared printers – Weekly / Monitoring and issue following for printer part like toner, drum – Weekly / Cisco IPT telephony support – Weekly)

- BCP office visit and patch update – Monthly


[지원자격]- New or 2~3 years of experience as an IT desktop engineer

- Bachelor's degree & Major: IT-related

- Customer oriented support manner and skills

- Knowledge of desktop devices and environment

- Native Korean and Ordinary Enhglish language skills

- 보훈대상자 및 취업보호대상자, 장애인은 관련법에 의거하여 우대함


[근무환경]- 근무형태: 맨파워코리아 소속 파견계약직 6개월 (병가휴직 대체)
- 근무지: 서울 5호선 광화문역 부근 파이낸스센터에 위치
- 근무시간: 09:30 ~ 17:30 (주 5일 근무)
- 급여: 경력 별 협의
- 복리후생:  4대보험, 퇴직금, 연차(수당), 우수사원시상, 생일/명절선물, 경조사 지원 등


- 홈페이지 지원 (링크 접속 후 '지원하기' 클릭) : https://manpowergroupkorea.ninehire.site/job_posting/RRiCNC1o

- 제출서류: 영문 이력서 (PDF 또는 MS-word 양식)

- 담당자 : 스태핑솔루션사업부 김지윤, 02-6420-0380