[추천채용] 미디어텍코리아 엔지니어 채용 (~채용시)
- 작성자장홍철
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- 조회282
미디어텍코리아 엔지니어 채용
경기대학교 인재개발처 추천채용담당자입니다.
추천채용을 통한 입사지원을 희망하시면 입사지원서(자유양식)를 작성하여 아래 이메일로 보내 검토 후에 지원할 수 있도록 해 주세요.
*입사지원서 보낼 주소: hongchul27@kgu.ac.kr
*문의처: 031-249-8886 (장홍철)
미디어텍코리아 엔지니어 채용
■ 모집부문 : 엔지니어
■ 담당업무 : 소프트웨어 엔지니어
[SW engineer ( Video/HDMI/TCON/PQ )]
1. Responsible for video HDMI/PQ/TCON partto develop SEC project.
2. Responsible for technical communicationfor Video related SPEC between Customerand MTK HQ
3. Responsible for customer deliverablesincluding SW package planning/quality withinternal project teams.
4. Responsible for customer support accountvideo issue debugging/solving.
5. Responsible for maintaining goodrelationships between customers to getmore useful information for furtherproject.
[SW engineer ( Video codec/Gstreamer )]
1. Responsible for Video codec/Gstreamer
2. Responsible for technical communicationfor Multi-media related SPEC betweenCustomer and MTK HQ
3. Responsible for customer deliverablesincluding SW package planning/quality withinternal project teams.
4. Responsible for customer support accountfor MM issue debugging/solving.
5. Responsible for maintaining goodrelationships between customers to getmore useful information for furtherproject.
[SW engineer( System/Peripheral/Boot/Security )]
1. Responsible forSystem/Peripheral/Boot/Security part
2. Responsible for technical communicationfor related SPEC between Customer andMTK HQ
3. Responsible for customer deliverablesincluding SW package planning/quality withinternal project teams.
4. Responsible for customer supportingaccount for system issuedebugging/solving.
5. - Responsible for maintaining goodrelationships between customer to getmore useful information for furtherproject.
■ 자격요건 및 우대사항
공통사항 - 4 년제 대학교 졸업생(컴퓨터공학 및 전자공학, 통신공학 등 관련전공자 우대)
[SW engineer ( Video/HDMI/TCON/PQ )]
1. BS/MS in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering
2. Strong interpersonal relationship management with positive attitude and serving mind.
3. Strong understanding of TV or display knowledge, system and development process
4. Experience in working with embedded systems, platforms and RTOS. Linux kernel experience is a plus
5. Strong understanding of Linux global open source (i.e. V4L2, DVBv5, ALSA, etc)
6. Deep experience for Multimedia and CSP part for Netflix or Youtube or Amazone and others.
7. Fluent verbal and written communication skills in Korean and English
8. Capability to understand complex technical information and explain to audience with understandable manner.
9. Ability to think creatively about problem solving issues.
10. - Ability to work in a team environment and to support other departments
[SW engineer ( Video codec/Gstreamer )]
1. BS/MS in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering
2. Strong interpersonal relationship management with positive attitude and serving mind.
3. Strong understanding of TV or display knowledge, system and development process
4. Experience in working with embedded systems, platforms and RTOS. Linux kernel experience is a plus
5. Strong understanding of Linux global open source (i.e. System/Peripheral/Boot/Security, etc)
6. Deep experience system and boot and security parts and others.
7. Fluent verbal and written communication skills in Korean and English
8. Capability to understand complex technical information and explain to audience with understandable manner.
9. Ability to think creatively about problem solving issues.
10. - Ability to work in a team environment and to support other departments
[SW engineer( System/Peripheral/Boot/Security )]
1. Basic Color Knowledge
2. BS/MS in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering
3. Strong interpersonal relationship management with positive attitude and serving mind.
4. Strong understanding of Monitor or display knowledge including HDMI part, system and development process.
5. Fluent verbal and written communication skills in Korean and English
6. Highly motivated positive attitude with a strong drive for success and teamwork
7. Capability to understand complex technical information and explain to audience with understandable manner.
8. Ability to think creatively about problem solving issues.
9. Ability to work in a team environment and to support other departments
■ 모집인원 : 00명
■ 고용형태 : 정규직
■ 급여조건 : 면접 후 협의
■ 복리후생 : 건강검진, 각종 경조사 지원, 통신비 지원, 인센티브제, 상여금, 장기근속자 포상, 퇴직금, 4 대 보험, 명절상품권지급, 생일상품권지급 , 워크샵, 신입사원교육(OJT), 직무능력향상교육, 외국어교육비 지원, 사내동호회 운영, 음료제공(차, 커피) 등
■ 근무지역 :
1 : 경기도 분당구 수내동 황새울로 216 휴맥스빌리지 4F (수내역 3 번 출구 100m 이내)
2 : 경기도 수원시 팔달구 경수대로 420, 501 호근무시간:
■ 근무시간 : 주 5 일 근무 ( 9:30 ~ 18:30), 탄력근무제 운영으로 시간 변경 가능성 있음
■ 제출서류 : 이력서, 자기소개서 (자유양식)
■ 접수마감일 : 채용시 마감
■ 접수방법 : E-mail
■ 문의(기업 담당자) : 인사팀 한겨레 (career.korea@mediatek.com, 031-786-5400(84716))
[미디어텍 관련정보] https://www.mediatek.com/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/mediatek/