
H 채용정보 일반채용공고


[일반채용] 키사이트테크놀로지스코리아 - Field Sevice Engineer 신입 및 경력무관 채용
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  • 작성일자
  • 조회268

회사 소개

  • 소개 영상 : This is Keysight – People and Culture - YouTube
  • Hewlett-Packard로 시작해서 2014년 11월 1일 측정 솔루션 전문 기업으로 출범한 Keysight Technologies는 변함없이 독보적인 기업가 정신과 열정으로 전 세계 혁신가들에게 영감을 주고 상상하지 못했던 목표를 실현할 수 있도록 도우며 오랜 역사를 이어 나가고 있습니다. ‘Accelerate innovation to connect and secure the world’라는 슬로건 아래 5G, 자동차, 국방, 사물인터넷, 네트워크 보안 등의 다양한 분야에서 고객 혁신을 돕고 있습니다. 

공고 안내

  • 채용 직무 : Field Service Engineer (수리교정)
  • 채용 종류 : 정규직
  • 마감 일자 : 채용시 마감
  • 대상 : 전공 무관
  • 경력: 신입
  • 위치: 서울 여의도 (여의도역 인근)
  • 지원방법 : 홈페이지 접수(Field Service Engineer, Entry (keysight.com)

  • 지원시 제출 파일: 이력서, 자기소개서 (형식 자율)


Job Description

Responsible for on-site and repair center activities such as installation, implementation, maintenance and repair of company and multi-vendor systems solutions which may include hardware, software and networking products as well as operating systems. Installs and optimizes hardware/software/network products and configurations at customer sites. Diagnoses and resolves product performance problems. Performs maintenance and repair services. Ensures customer satisfaction by advising customers on preventive maintenance and configurations, which may impact product performance. Proactively responds to potential equipment issues to prevent unplanned interruption of customers' business. Delivers (does not design) fully integrated solutions, which may include peripherals, communications, operating systems and applications software. Serves as an internal resource on technical issues. May have knowledge of third party products. May deliver internal technical training and maintenance seminars and workshops for field engineers or customers. May train other field engineers or customers. May calibrate equipment on-site for large volume customers. May qualify leads

  • Works on on-site customer service and support assignments with broadly defined objectives
  • Solves straight-forward issues, challenges and problems within field of specialization


Job Qualification

  • Bachelors or Master Degree or University Degree or equivalent. No prior experience required; may have up to 2 years’ relevant experience.



I hope this e-mail find you well.

Best regards, 

Yong-Hwan SHIN (Jacob) | HR Representative 

Direct: +82 2 2004 5127 

Telnet: 745 5127 

Phone: +82 10 8590 2624
Note : CHR Korea Guideline & Information - Country Human Resource (CHR) (sharepoint.com)

Accelerating Innovation to Connect and Secure The World

The contents of this email and any attachments are confidential. They are intended for the named recipient(s) only. If you have received this email by mistake, please notify the sender immediately and delete it from your system. You shall not disclose the contents to anyone or make copies thereof.

공고 안내

  • 채용 직무 : Field Service Engineer (수리교정)
  • 채용 종류 : 정규직
  • 마감 일자 : 채용시 마감
  • 대상 : 전공 무관
  • 경력: 경력 무관 (2~4년 우대)
  • 위치: 서울 여의도 (여의도역 인근)
  • 지원방법 : 홈페이지 접수(Field Service Engineer, Inter (keysight.com))
  • 지원시 제출 파일: 이력서, 자기소개서 (형식 자율)


Job Description

Responsible for on-site and repair center activities such as installation, implementation, maintenance and repair of company and multi-vendor systems solutions which may include hardware, software and networking products as well as operating systems. Installs and optimizes hardware/software/network products and configurations at customer sites. Diagnoses and resolves product performance problems. Performs maintenance and repair services. Ensures customer satisfaction by advising customers on preventive maintenance and configurations, which may impact product performance. Proactively responds to potential equipment issues to prevent unplanned interruption of customers' business. Delivers (does not design) fully integrated solutions, which may include peripherals, communications, operating systems and applications software. Serves as an internal resource on technical issues. May have knowledge of third party products. May deliver internal technical training and maintenance seminars and workshops for field engineers or customers. May train other field engineers or customers. May calibrate equipment on-site for large volume customers. May qualify leads

  • Works on on-site customer service and support assignments with broadly defined objectives
  • Solves straight-forward issues, challenges and problems within field of specialization


Job Qualification

  • Bachelors or Masters Degree or University Degree or equivalent. Typically 2-4 years relevant experience for entry to this level.
  • Requires general proficiency with tools, systems and procedures to accomplish job.

